Friday, February 11, 2005

Skiing (Day Six)

Or it's snowing!

What an awful night. I think I slept for about two hours. I woke up with a sore throat, pounding head, sinus and generally feeling crap. To top this off it was snowing! I decided that I was not gonna ski but Jules and Peter were gonna give it a bash.

They left while I washed up and had a shower. I was just climbing back into bed when they returned (they had been gone a couple of hours). The conditions outside were horrible. You could not see anything and the snow was very thick.

Realising that we could not ski anymore we returned the hire gear and headed back to the apartment. For lunch we polished off the rest of the food we had bought (more cheese and salami) and then settled in for another game of cards (which Peter won this time!!).

After cards Peter went out to buy some postcards (and Day & Night tablets for me) while I had a nap and Jules read her book. On his return we headed to the bar next door to write out our postcards and have a drink.

We then headed back to the room and after having french onion soup (or should it be just onion soup in France?). We then had to clean the apartment (otherwise they would charge us a €100 cleaning fee) and headed to bed. Our bus to Geneva was leaving at 7:45 tomorrow morning.

Weather coming in

The view from the top of Crystal

From our balcony

More from the balcony

Postcard writing

It is snowing!

More snow...

Even more snow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you crazy? all that skiing is bad for your health.