Sunday, September 11, 2005

New York, Day Five

Today was our last day in New York and it also coincided with the fourth anniversary of the September 11 attacks. We thought there would be so many people that getting to the World Trade Centre site would have been next to impossible, so we watched some of the coverage on television before checking out.

We caught the subway and then walked over to the United Nations site to have a look around. We were actually quite lucky because this was the last week the UN would be open to visitors before the World Summit was due to begin. So we had a coffee in the cafeteria and wrote postcards before booking ourselves onto the tour. Unfortunately we had to wait a bit for the tour which meant this was the only thing we could do for the day before rushing back to the apartment to pick up our bags and then catching the train back to Newark airport.

The tour was pretty cool. Seeing these places of history on television in real life was amazing, and hearing the history and rivalry behind a lot of the daily workings from our guide (who spoke seven languages!) was interesting. I pretty much took over the end of tour question time asking a heap of questions, but then no one else seemed to have any (yes I did give them a chance!).

We then had a quick look in the shop and then headed back to Penn Station for our trip to the airport. We made the train with a few minutes to spare and luckily got to the airport in time. Unfortunately the airport was absolute chaos. First off you had to check in and then line up again to hand over luggage. It was a pretty silly system and took pretty much the entire two hours we had before the plane was due to depart.

After grabbing a quick bite to eat we boarded the plane and returned to sunny old England! For anyone interested New York should be a must see destination! I will definitely be returning.

The Secretariat Building.

General Assembly Building.

View of the City.

The Security Council.

A Statue from Hiroshima (notice the bomb scares on the back).

The General Assembly.

Funky Art!

More Funky Art!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We also had a Black & White cookie before the UN building (remember from Seinfeld?) and it was indeed quite tasty!

That train from Penn Station was only made with two minutes to spare; it was only because of some clever use of the Subway's Express (instead of Local) trains that we made it!