Saturday, September 10, 2005

New York, Day Four

Peter kept harping on about how good New York Pizzas were. So once we left the hotel we headed over to some authentic pizza place to try them out (Peter had been there before). It was a dodgy looking place, but seemed to be fairly busy (that could be the Lonely Planet effect though). We went in and saw that the pizzas were so oily and greasy I knew that I would not be able to stomach one. Peter scoffed down two slices (the amount of oil coming out of those slices was amazing), while I sat there and looked on in disgust. To make matters worse he ordered a root beer to go with it (another vile drink).

After he finished we went to get something to eat for me. I thought a sandwich would be in order so we headed over towards Grand Central to see what we could find. Could not really find much (it was a saturday), so I ended up heading downstairs at the station where they had a food court. I ended up getting a ham sandwich (you can see the results below) that must have contained about three pigs. In the end most of the ham had to come off because it was just too salty, and once I did that the sandwich was quite nice!

We then headed back over to the library cause they apparently had a copy of the declaration of independence, but we could not find it anywhere, so we looked at a exhibition of old maps instead. From here we grabbed a juice from Jamba Juice (now I reckon that could be a good pickup joint there, the ratio of women to men was about 5:1!) and sat in a park for a while, before just walking around enjoying the less crowded city.

Next on the agenda was the Metropolitan Museum of Art (or the Met) which was uptown. It is a pretty impressive museum, which would normally take hours and hours to go through, but because it was summer they also opened the roof as a bar, so we looked around the museum for about three hours by which time I had museum fatigue, and headed up onto the roof for a drink and views of the setting sun over the city (highly recommended if you are there at the right time of year).

We caught the subway back to the apartment to work out what we were going to do for dinner. By this time we were both exhausted, so we just wanted something simple that involved no effort. In the end we chose a burger place reasonably close which had an amazing 50 something different types of burgers to choose from (you could even order online for home delivery!). It was a pretty cool place and a good finish to the day!

Would you like some sandwich with your ham?

Rockefeller Centre.

Inside the Met.

View from the roof!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that was one long day! But was pretty good, just what you want, good food, good times.