Thursday, December 22, 2005

November and December

I realised the other day how far I was behind updating this blog. So I have been wondering how to go about it. It turns out it is not that difficult. Both November and December were fairly quiet times for me, so I can just do one post to cover the entire time!

On the 5th of November Jules and Peter headed down and we all went to a 30th birthday party for one of Jules' friends. Ev and Kris (Peter's brother and girlfriend) came down as well. They had just arrived in the UK so were jet lagged, but still kept up with us (most of the time). We also headed over to Portsmouth and checked out the HMS Victory (Nelson's flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar) which was pretty cool.

The rest of November and most of December was uneventful. To be honest I have forgotten what happened, so it can't of been that exciting. I do know that work was pretty full on, so I guess that was taking up most of my time.

Matt and Dave, old flat mates from Canberra, came to visit at the end of December. They wanted to see the Victory (third time for me) and Stonehenge (also the third time), so we did that. My old colleagues from SCT were also having their Christmas drinks, so I got to catch up with them as well.

Also at work we had a major demonstration to our customer for the work we are doing. The customer is just about to confirm a £400 Million contract, so it was an important demonstration. Luckily it all went well so that was good (and a major relief)!

That is about it!

The Victory.

More of the Victory.


More Stonehenge.

The Bargate (part of the old city walls) in central Southampton.

Old bombed out church in central Southampton.

My place - Admiralty House.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blog. Wraaaghhh! Your all nerds! You and Peter and Jules, the lot of ya!

Love Ev xo