Sunday, December 25, 2005

Switzerland, Part Two


Pete, Jules and I had decided to spend £30 on each other for christmas. Peter made us make up lists and he provided both Jules and I with a detailed list of what he wanted. Anyway realising that some of the photos from the opening of presents might appear on this blog I made the others have a shower before we were allowed to open the presents (I tried that with Jacob and Zac last year, but they would not have a bar of it!). Anyway, we all had great fun opening the presents (and even Peter was happy with the items both Jules and I bought that were not on his list!).

Jules made us some breakfast and we settled in for a day of eating and drinking and not much else. After some more talk with people back in Oz, we had a roast lunch and Peter and I tried to light the fire (which took a while, but it eventually started).

Unfortunately it was not snowing, but there was still snow on the ground, so I guess that counts as a white christmas!

Me handing presents out!

Jules and her Bop-It Blast

Peter and his Asterix book.

Me and my bright orange jumper.

Jules and her i-dog and bag (quite sad really..)

Peter and his Pens.

Me and my Absynthe!

Jules and a present she bought for herself (and found it very funny!)

Peter trying to light the fire.

End of the day...

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